One big decision that can turn into a dilemma for many Internet Marketers who are promoting affiliate products is choosing the right affiliate programs. There are literally thousands of affiliate programs spread in almost all type of niches. Picking up the right programs to promote can be challenging.
Selecting the correct affiliate programs is crucial to your success. If you select the wrong programs, you are going to have a very difficult time to sell the products and earn profits.
In this article, I will share with you some insights and tips to help you select the right affiliate programs to promote. If you are an affiliate or internet marketer, I am sure you will find this article enlightening. So let’s get started…
Check the quality of the affiliate program:
Always go for the affiliate marketing program that is backed up by a reliable and trustworthy team with the appropriate and sufficient knowledge about the industry. Check the affiliate product and services as well. Are they for real, offer good value and are saleable? Remember that you will be putting your own credibility on the line when you sign up for that program. If it’s trustworthy, then you will be viewed as such as well.
Ask yourself if you would consider buying the product? When you read the sales or marketing messages from the vendor, do they make good sense? Or are they just a bunch of hype? If the marketing messages do not make sense to you then perhaps you should not promote this particular product. Go and find another one… don’t worry because there are plenty.
Is it an evergreen product?
You may be asking… what is an evergreen product? Well, an evergreen product is going to last for years to come. People need the products and they will never get saturated.
When you select an affiliate product to promote, ask yourself this question… Would people still buy this product next month?
If you promote products that have buying demands today and then disappear the next day, then you are going to waste your time and effort. You want to promote products where you after you put in your hard works, you are going to enjoy the fruits for many years to come.
The product should be able to stay current on market demands. A simple search online will help you find out the kind of things that people are looking for and are willing to buy. When a product has a high market demand, it’s much easier to sell.
This is good news for you as an affiliate of that program since there won’t be any backbreaking work to do just to get the product off the ground. It will sell on its own or for minimal effort.
Look for affiliate programs that pay you high commissions:
The ultimate reason why you are in affiliate marketing is to earn money. So you want to promote products that pay you good commissions (at least 50%). If you are new in affiliate marketing, I suggest you to start promoting info based products (such as ebooks, software and services) because info based products tend to have higher commissions than physical products such as computers, cameras, televisions, etc.
But of course, this is arguable. Some people prefer to promote physical products from Amazon and eBay even though the commissions are much lower compared to info based products. But physical products have much larger market size – meaning there are more buyers. So it is actually easier to sell physical products than info based products. But the latter has higher commissions. So there are pros and cons.
Check the conversion rate:
Conversion rate refers to the period it takes for a prospect who clicks on an affiliate site to become a paying customer. In affiliate marketing, this can be notoriously fickle, with leads taking as much as 60 days before ever purchasing anything.
To find out about their conversion rate, you can check an affiliate marketing program’s website. Some of them publish this information. If not, you will have to test the product yourself using targeted visitors to see how well it performs.
Conversion rate is very important because this is the one that will give you the income. If the product has high conversion rate; you will make more sales in a shorter time compared to those that have low conversion rate.
In conclusion…
One of the most important success factor in affiliate marketing is selecting the right affiliate programs. In this article, I have shared with you some great tips to choose the right programs. Use these tips as a guide to help you pick the right affiliate programs to profit. Hope you enjoy this article.