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Board of Studies
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Curriculum for Final (New) Course
Group I
Paper 1: Financial Report ing (100 Marks)
Paper 2: Strategic Financial Management (100 Marks)
Paper 3: Advanced Audi t ing and Professional Ethics (100 Marks)
Paper 4: Corporate and Al l ied Laws (100 Marks)
Sect ion A: Company Law (70 Marks)
Sect ion B: Al l ied Laws (30 Marks)
Group I I
Paper 5: Advanced Management Account ing (100 Marks)
Paper 6: Informat ion Systems Control and Audi t (100 Marks)
Paper 7: Di rect Tax Laws (100 Marks)
Paper 8: Indi rect Tax Laws (100 Marks)
Sect ion A: Central Excise (40 Marks)
Sect ion B: Service Tax & VAT (40 Marks)
Sect ion C: Customs (20 Marks)2
Paper 1: Financial Reporting
(One paper – Three hours – 100 marks)
Level of Knowledge: Advanced knowledge
(a) To gain abi l i ty to analyze f inancial statements including consol idated f inancial
statements of group companies and f inancial reports of various types of ent i t ies,
(b) To gain abi l i ty to apply valuat ion principles,
(c) To fami l iarise wi th recent developments in the area of f inancial report ing,
(d) To gain abi l i ty to solve f inancial report ing and valuat ion cases.
1. Account ing Standards, Account ing Standards Interpretat ions and Guidance Notes on
various account ing aspects issued by the ICAI and thei r appl icat ions.
2. Overview of Internat ional Account ing Standards (IAS)/ Internat ional Financial
Report ing Standards (IFRS), Interpretat ions by Internat ional Financial Report ing
Interpretat ion Commi t tee (IFRIC), Signi f icant di f ference vis-a-vis Indian Account ing
Understanding of US GAAP,
Appl icat ions of IFRS and US GAAP.
3. Corporate Financial Report ing - Issues and problems wi th special reference to
publ ished f inancial statements.
4. Account ing for Corporate Restructuring (including inter-company holdings).
5. Consol idated Financial Statements of Group Companies Concept of a Group, purposes
of consol idated f inancial statements minori ty interest , Goodwi l l , Consol idat ion procedures
– Minori ty interests, Goodwi l l , Treatment of pre- acquisi t ion and post-acquisi t ion prof i t .
Consol idat ion wi th two or more subsidiaries, consol idat ion wi th foreign subsidiaries.
Consol idated prof i t and loss account , balance sheet and cash f low statement .
Treatment of investment in associates in consol idated f inancial statements.
Treatment of investments in joint ventures in consol idated f inancial statements.
6. Account ing and Report ing of Financial Instruments
Meaning, recogni t ion, derecogni t ion and of fset , compound f inancial instruments
Measurement of f inancial instruments
Hedge account ing
7. Share based payments
Meaning, Equi ty set t led transact ions, Transact ion wi th employees and non- employees
Determinat ion of fai r value of equi ty instruments
Vest ing condi t ions
Modi f icat ion, cancel lat ion and set t lement
8. Financial Report ing by Mutual funds, Non-banking f inance companies, Merchant
bankers, Stock and commodi ty market intermediaries.
9. Valuat ion
(a) Concept of Valuat ion
(b) Valuat ion of Tangible Fixed Assets
(c) Valuat ion of Intangibles including Brand Valuat ion and Valuat ion of Goodwi l l
(d) Valuat ion of Liabi l i t ies
(e) Valuat ion of Shares
(f) Valuat ion of Business
10. Developments in Financial Report ing
(a) Value Added Statement
(b) Economic Value Added, Market Value Added, Shareholders’ Value Added
(c ) Human Resource Report ing
(d) Inf lat ion Account ing
Note: I f ei ther old Account ing Standards (ASs), Account ing Standards Interpretat ions
(ASIs), Guidance Notes (GNs), Announcements and Limi ted Revisions to ASs are
wi thdrawn or new ASs, GNs, Announcements and Limi ted Revisions to AS are issued by
the Inst i tute of Chartered Accountants of India in place of exist ing ASs, ASIs, GNs,
Announcements and Limi ted Revisions to AS, the syl labus wi l l accordingly include/exclude
such new developments in the place of the exist ing ones wi th ef fect from the date to be
not i f ied by the Inst i tute.4
Paper 2: Strategic Financial Management
(One paper – Three hours – 100 marks)
Level of Knowledge: Advanced knowledge
To apply f inancial management theories and techniques for strategic decision making.
1. Financial Pol icy and Corporate Strategy
Strategic decision making framework
Interface of Financial Pol icy and strategic management
Balancing f inancial goals vis-à-vis sustainable growth.
2. Project Planning and Capital Budgeting
Feasibi l i ty study
Cash f low Project ions – Impact of taxat ion, depreciat ion, inf lat ion and working capi tal
Capi tal Budget ing Decisions - Certainty Equivalent approach, Evaluat ion of Risky
Investment Proposals, Risk and Return analysis, Simulat ion and decision tree analysis,
Sensi t ivi ty analysis, Capi tal Rat ioning, Adjusted Net Present Value, Replacement
decisions, Appl icat ion of Real Opt ions in capi tal budget ing, Impact of inf lat ion on capi tal
budget ing decisions
Preparat ion of Project Report
Social cost benef i t analysis.
3. Leasing decision including cross border leasing
4. Dividend Decisions
Dividend theories, Determinants of dividend pol icies.
5. (a) Indian Capital Market including role of various primary and secondary market
inst i tut ions
(b) Capital Market Instruments
Financial derivat ives – stock futures, stock opt ions, index futures, index opt ions
Opt ion valuat ion techniques : Binomial model , Black Scholes Opt ion Pricing Model , Greeks
– Del ta, Gamma, Theta, Rho and Vega
Pricing of Futures – Cost of carry model
Imbedded derivat ives5
(c) Commodity derivatives
(d) OTC derivatives -Swaps, Swapt ions, Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs), Caps, Floors
and Col lors.
6. Security Analysis
Fundamental analysis - Economic analysis, Industry analysis and Company Analysis
Bond valuat ion, Price Yield relat ionship, Bond Price forecast ing – appl icat ion of durat ion
and convexi ty, Yield curve strategies
Technical Analysis – market cycle model and basic trend ident i f icat ion, di f ferent types of
chart ing, support and resistance, price pat terns, moving averages, Bol l inger Bands,
momentum analysis.
7. Portfol io Theory and Asset Pricing
Ef f icient Market Theory – Random walk theory ; Markowi tz model of risk return opt imizat ion
Capi tal Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Arbi trage Pricing Theory (APT)
Sharpe Index Model
Port fol io Management - Formulat ion, Moni toring and Evaluat ion
Equi ty Style Management
Principles and Management of Hedge Funds
Internat ional Port fol io Management .
8. Financial Services in India
Investment Banking
Retai l Banking
On Line Share Trading
Deposi tory Service.
9. (a) Mutual Funds: Regulatory framework, formulat ion, moni toring and evaluat ion of
various schemes of Mutual funds, Money market mutual funds.
(b) Exchange Traded Funds.
10. Money Market operations
11. (a) Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Institutional Investment.
(b) International Financial Management
Raising of capi tal abroad - American Deposi tory Receipts, Global Deposi tory Receipts,
External Commercial Borrowings and Foreign Currency Convert ible Bonds6
Internat ional Capi tal Budget ing
Internat ional Working Capi tal Management .
12. Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management
Exchange rate determinat ion, Exchange rate forecast ing
Foreign currency market
Foreign exchange derivat ives – Forward, futures, opt ions and swaps
Management of transact ion, translat ion and economic exposures
Hedging currency risk.
13. Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
Meaning of mergers and acquisi t ion, categories, purposes
Process of mergers and acquisi t ion – Ident i f icat ion and valuat ion of the target , acquisi t ion
through negot iat ion, due di l igence, post – merger integrat ion
Legal and regulatory requi rements
Merger and Acquisi t ion agreement
Reverse merger
Potent ial adverse compet i t ive ef fects of mergers
Corporate Takeovers: Mot ivat ions, Co-insurance ef fect , Cross-border takeovers, Forms of
takeovers, Takeover defenses
Going Private and Other Control Transact ions: Leveraged Buyouts (LBOs), Management
Buyouts (MBOs), Spin Of fs and Asset Divest i tures
Corporate Restructuring : Ref inancing and rescue f inancing, reorganizat ions of debtors and
credi tors, Sale of assets, targeted stock of ferings, downsizing and layof f programmes,
negot iated wage give-backs, employee buyouts.7
Paper 3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics
(One Paper- Three hours - 100 marks)
Level of Knowledge: Advanced knowledge
(a) To gain expert knowledge of current audi t ing pract ices and procedures and apply them
in audi t ing engagements,
(b) To develop abi l i ty to solve cases relat ing to audi t engagements.
1. Auditing Standards, Statements and Guidance Notes
Audi t ing and Assurance Standards (AASs); Statements and Guidance Notes on Audi t ing
issued by the ICAI ; Signi f icant di f ferences between Audi t ing and Assurance Standards and
Internat ional Standards on Audi t ing.
2. Audit strategy, planning and programming
Planning the f low of audi t work; audi t strategy, planning programme and importance of
supervision: review of audi t notes and working papers; draf t ing of reports; principal ’s
ul t imate responsibi l i ty; extent of delegat ion; control over qual i ty of audi t work; rel iance on
the work of other audi tor, internal audi tor or an expert .
3. Risk Assessment and Internal Control
Evaluat ion of internal control procedures; techniques including quest ionnai re, f lowchart ;
internal audi t and external audi t , coordinat ion between the two.
4. Audit under computerized information system (CIS) environment
Special aspects of CIS Audi t Envi ronment , need for review of internal control especial ly
procedure controls and faci l i ty controls. Approach to audi t in CIS Envi ronment , use of
computers for internal and management audi t purposes: audi t tools, test packs,
computerized audi t programmes; Special Aspects in Audi t of E-Commerce Transact ion.
5. Special audit techniques
(a) Select ive veri f icat ion; stat ist ical sampl ing: Special audi t procedures; physical
veri f icat ion of assets, di rect conf i rmat ion of debtors and credi tors
(b) Analyt ical review procedures
(c) Risk-based audi t ing.
6. Audit of l imited companies
Statutory requi rements under the Companies Act 1956; Audi t of branches: joint audi ts;
Dividends and divisible prof i ts % f inancial , legal , and pol icy considerat ions.
7. Rights, dut ies, and l iabi l i t ies of audi tors; thi rd party l iabi l i ty.8
8. Audi t reports; qual i f icat ions, notes on accounts, dist inct ion between notes and
qual i f icat ions,
detai led observat ions by the statutory audi tor to the management vis-a-vis obl igat ions of
report ing to the members.
9. Audi t Commi t tee and Corporate Governance
10. Audi t of Consol idated Financial Statements, Audi t Reports and Cert i f icates for Special
Purpose engagements; Cert i f icates under the Payment of Bonus Act , import /export control
authori t ies, etc. ; Speci f ic services to non-audi t cl ients; Cert i f icate on Corporate
11. Special features of audi t of banks, insurance companies, co-operat ive societ ies and
non-banking f inancial companies.
12. Audi t under Fiscal Laws, viz, Di rect and Indi rect Tax Laws.
13. Cost audi t
14. Special audi t assignments l ike audi t of bank borrowers, audi t of stock and commodi ty
exchange intermediaries and deposi tories; inspect ion of special ent i t ies l ike banks,
f inancial inst i tut ions, mutual funds, stock brokers.
15. Special features in audi t of publ ic sector companies. Di rect ions of Comptrol ler and
Audi tor General of India under Sect ion 619; Concepts of propriety and ef f iciency audi t .
16. Internal audit, management and operational audit Nature and purpose,
organisat ion, audi t programme, behavioural problems; Internal Audi t Standards issued by
the ICAI ; Speci f ic areas of management and operat ional audi t involving review of internal
control , purchasing operat ions, manufacturing operat ions, sel l ing and distribut ion,
personnel pol icies, systems and procedures. Aspects relat ing to concurrent audi t .
17. Invest igat ion and Due Di l igence.
18. Concept of peer review
19. Sal ient features of Sarbanes – Oxley Act , 2002 wi th special reference to report ing on
internal control .
20. Professional Ethics
Code of Ethics wi th special reference to the relevant provisions of The Chartered
Accountants Act , 1949 and the Regulat ions thereunder.9
Paper 4: Corporate and Al l ied Laws
(One paper – Three hours – 100 marks)
Section A: Company Law (70 Marks)
Level of Knowledge: Advanced knowledge
To be able to analyze and apply various provisions of the Companies Act in pract ical
si tuat ions
1. The Companies Act , 1956, Rules and Regulat ions thereunder in i ts ent i rety wi th
speci f ic reference to
(a) Accounts and audi t
(b) Dividend
(c) Di rectors - powers, managerial remunerat ion
(d) Meet ings, powers of the Board and related party transact ions
(e) Inspect ion and Invest igat ion
(f) Compromises, Arrangements and Reconstruct ions
(g) Prevent ion of Oppression and Mismanagement
(h) Revival and Rehabi l i tat ion of Sick Industrial Companies
(i ) Corporate Winding up and Dissolut ion
(j ) Producer Companies
(k) Companies incorporated outside India
(l ) Of fences and Penal t ies
(m) E-governance
2. Corporate Secretarial Pract ice – Draf t ing of Resolut ion, Minutes, Not ices and Reports
Section B: Al l ied Laws (30 Marks)
To develop abi l i ty to analyse the requi rements of laws stated in the Sect ion.
3. An overview of the fol lowing laws –
(a) The Securi t ies and Exchange Board of India Act ,1992, Rules, Regulat ions and
Guidel ines issued thereunder.
(b) The Securi t ies Contracts (Regulat ion) Act , 195610
(c) The Foreign Exchange Management Act , 1999
(d) The Compet i t ion Act , 2002
(e) The Banking Regulat ion Act , 1949, The Insurance Act , 1938. The Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authori ty Act , 1999. The Securi t isat ion and Reconstruct ion of
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Securi ty Interest Act , 2002
(f) The Prevent ion of Money Laundering Act , 2002
4. Interpretat ion of Statutes, Deeds and Documents.11
Paper 5: Advanced Management Accounting
(One paper – Three hours – 100 marks)
Level of Knowledge: Advanced knowledge
To apply various management account ing techniques to al l types of organizat ions for
planning, decision making and control purposes in pract ical si tuat ions.
To develop abi l i ty to apply quant i tat ive techniques to business problems
1. Cost Management
(a) Developments in the business envi ronment ; just in t ime; manufacturing resources
planning; (MRP); automated manufacturing; synchronous manufacturing and back f lush
systems to ref lect the importance of accurate bi l ls of material and rout ings; world class
manufacturing; total qual i ty management .
(b) Act ivi ty based approaches to management and cost analysis
(c) Analysis of common costs in manufacturing and service industry
(d) Techniques for prof i t improvement , cost reduct ion, and value analysis
(e) Throughput account ing
(f) Target cost ing; cost ascertainment and pricing of products and services
(g) Li fe cycle cost ing
(h Shut down and divestment .
2. Cost Volume Profit Analysis
(a) Relevant cost
(b) Product sales pricing and mix
(c) Limi t ing factors
(d) Mul t iple scarce resource problems
(e) Decisions about al ternat ives such as make or buy, select ion of products, etc.
3. Pricing Decisions
(a) Pricing of a f inished product
(b) Theory of price
(c) Pricing pol icy
(d) Principles of product pricing
(e) New product pricing
(f) Pricing strategies12
(g) Pricing of services
(h) Pareto analysis
4. Budgets and Budgetary Control
The budget manual , Preparat ion and moni toring procedures, Budget variances, Flexible
budgets, Preparat ion of funct ional budget for operat ing and non-operat ing funct ions, Cash
budgets, Capi tal expendi ture budget , Master budget , Principal budget factors.
5. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis
Types of standards and sources of standard cost informat ion; evolut ion of standards,
cont inuous -improvement ; keeping standards meaningful and relevant ; variance analysis;
disposal of variances.
(a) Invest igat ion and interpretat ion of variances and thei r inter relat ionship
(b) Behavioural considerat ions.
6. Transfer pricing
(a) Object ives of transfer pricing
(b) Methods of transfer pricing
(c) Conf l ict between a division and a company
(d) Mul t i -nat ional transfer pricing.
7. Cost Management in Service Sector
8. Uni form Cost ing and Inter f i rm comparison
9. Prof i tabi l i ty analysis - Product wise / segment wise / customer wise
10. Financial Decision Model ing
(a) Linear Programming
(b) Network analysis - PERT/CPM, resource al locat ion and resource level ing
(c) Transportat ion problems
(d) Assignment problems
(e) Simulat ion
(f) Learning Curve Theory
(g) Time series forecast ing
(h) Sampl ing and test of hypothesis13
Paper 6: Information Systems Control and Audit
(One Paper – Three hours – 100 marks)
Level of knowledge: Advanced knowledge
To gain appl icat ion abi l i ty of necessary controls, laws and standards in computerized
Informat ion system.
1. Information Systems Concepts
General Systems Concepts – Nature and types of systems, nature and types of
informat ion, at tributes of informat ion.
Management Informat ion System – Role of informat ion wi thin business
Business informat ion systems –various types of informat ion systems – TPC, MIS, DSS,
2. Systems Development Life Cycle Methodology
Introduct ion to SDLC/Basics of SDLC
Requi rements analysis and systems design techniques
Strategic considerat ions : Acquisi t ion decisions and approaches
Sof tware evaluat ion and select ion/development
Al ternate development methodologies- RAD, Prototype etc
Hardware evaluat ion and select ion
Systems operat ions and organizat ion of systems resources
Systems documentat ion and operat ion manuals
User procedures, training and end user comput ing
System test ing, assessment , conversion and start-up
Hardware contracts and sof tware l icenses
System implementat ion
Post-implementat ion review
System maintenance
System safeguards
Brief note on IS Organisat ion Structure
3. Control objectives
(a) Informat ion Systems Controls14
Need for control
Ef fect of computers on Internal Audi t
Responsibi l i ty for control – Management , IT, personnel , audi tors
Cost ef fect iveness of control procedure
Control Object ives for Informat ion and related Technology (COBIT)
(b) Information Systems Control Techniques
Control Design: Prevent ive and detect ive controls, Computer-dependent control , Audi t
trai ls, User Controls (Control balancing, Manual fol low up)
Non-computer-dependent (user) controls: Error ident i f icat ion controls, Error invest igat ion
controls, Error correct ion controls, Processing recovery controls
(c) Controls over system select ion, acquisi t ion/development
Standards and controls appl icable to IS development projects
Developed / acqui red systems
Vendor evaluat ion
Structured analysis and design
Role of IS Audi tor in System acquisi t ion/select ion
(d) Controls over system implementat ion
Acceptance test ing methodologies
System conversion methodologies
Post implement review
Moni toring, use and measurement
(e) Control over System and program changes
Change management controls
Authorizat ion controls
Documentat ion controls
Test ing and qual i ty controls
Custody, copyright and warrant ies
Role of IS Audi tor in Change Management
(f) Control over Data integri ty, privacy and securi ty
Classi f icat ion of informat ion
Logical access controls15
Physical access controls
Envi ronmental controls
Securi ty concepts and techniques – Cryptosystems, Data Encrypt ion Standards (DES),
Publ ic Key Cryptography & Fi rewal ls
Data securi ty and publ ic networks
Moni toring and survei l lance techniques
Data Privacy
Unauthorised intrusion, hacking, vi rus control
Role of IS Audi tor in Access Control
4. Audit Tests of General and Automated Controls
(a) Introduct ion to basics of test ing (reasons for test ing);
(b) Various levels/ types of test ing such as: (i ) Performance test ing, (i i ) Paral lel test ing,
(i i i ) Concurrent Audi t modules/Embedded audi t modules, etc.
5. Risk assessment methodologies and appl ications: (a) Meaning of Vulnerabi l i t ies,
Threats, Risks, Controls, (b) Fraud, error, vandal ism, excessive costs, compet i t ive
disadvantage, business, interrupt ion, social costs, statutory sanct ions, etc. (c) Risk
Assessment and Risk Management , (d) Prevent ive/detect ive/correct ive strategies
6. Business Continuity Planning and Disaster recovery planning: (a) Fundamentals
of BCP/DRP, (b) Threat and risk management , (c) Sof tware and data backup techniques,
(d) Al ternat ive processing faci l i ty arrangements,(e) Disaster recovery procedural plan, (f)
Integrat ion wi th departmental plans, test ing and documentat ion, (g) Insurance
7. An over view of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
8. Informat ion Systems Audi t ing Standards, guidel ines, best pract ices (BS7799, HIPPA,
CMM etc.)
9. Draf t ing of IS Securi ty Pol icy, Audi t Pol icy, IS Audi t Report ing - a pract ical perspect ive
10. Informat ion Technology Act , 200016
Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws
(One paper – Three hours – 100 marks)
Level of Knowledge: Advanced knowledge
(a) To gain advanced knowledge of the provisions of di rect tax laws,
(b) To acqui re the abi l i ty to apply the knowledge of the provisions of di rect tax laws to
various si tuat ions in actual pract ice.
I . The Income-tax Act , 1961 and Rules thereunder (90 marks)
I I . The Weal th-tax Act , 1957 and Rules thereunder (10 marks)
Whi le covering the di rect tax laws, students should fami l iarise themselves wi th
considerat ions relevant to tax management . These may include tax considerat ions wi th
regard to speci f ic management decisions, foreign col laborat ion agreements, internat ional
taxat ion, amalgamat ions, tax incent ives, personnel compensat ion plans, inter-relat ionship
of taxat ion and account ing, wi th special reference to relevant account ing standards and
other precaut ions to be observed to maximise tax rel ief . Further, they should have a basic
understanding about the ethical considerat ions in tax management and compl iance wi th
taxat ion laws.
Note – I f new legislat ions are enacted in place of the exist ing legislat ions relat ing to
income tax and weal th tax, the syl labus wi l l accordingly include such new legislat ions in
the place of the exist ing legislat ions wi th ef fect from the date to be not i f ied by the Inst i tute.17
Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws
(One paper – Three hours – 100 marks)
Level of Knowledge: Advanced knowledge
(a) To gain expert knowledge of the principles of the laws relat ing to central excise
customs and service tax,
(b) To acqui re the abi l i ty to apply the knowledge of the provisions of the above-ment ioned
laws to various si tuat ions in actual pract ice.
Section A: Central Excise (40 marks)
Central Excise Act , 1944 and the related Rules, Ci rculars and Not i f icat ions; Central Excise
Tari f f Act , 1985 and the related Rules.
Section B: Service tax & VAT (40 marks)
Law relat ing to service tax as contained in the Finance Act , 1994 as amended from t ime to
t ime and the related Rules, Ci rculars and Not i f icat ions.
Issues related to Value Added Tax:
1. Backdrop for State-Level VAT in India
2. Taxonomy of VAT
3. Input tax credi t , tax invoices
4. Smal l dealers and composi t ion scheme
5. VAT procedures
6. VAT in relat ion to incent ive schemes, works contract , lease transact ions and hi re
purchase transact ions.
7. VAT and Central Sales Tax
Section C: Customs (20 marks)
Customs Act , 1962 and the related Rules, Ci rculars and Not i f icat ions; Customs Tari f f Act ,
1975 and the related Rules.
Whi le covering the above laws, students should fami l iarize themselves wi th the interrelat ionship of account ing wi th excise, customs and service tax and also the ethical
considerat ions involved in the compl iance of these laws.
Note – I f new legislat ions are enacted in place of the exist ing legislat ions relat ing to
central excise, customs and service tax, the syl labus wi l l accordingly include such new
legislat ions in place of the exist ing legislat ions wi th ef fect from the date to be not i f ied by
the Inst i tute. Students shal l not be examined with reference to any particular State VAT
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